Developer installation

Getting the source code

The source files for nbgrader and its documentation are hosted on GitHub. To clone the nbgrader repository:

git clone
cd nbgrader

Installing and building nbgrader

nbgrader installs and builds with one command:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt -e .

Installing notebook extensions

Previously this was done using the nbgrader extension install command. However, moving forward this is done using the jupyter nbextension and jupyter serverextension commands.

The nbextensions are Javascript/HTML/CSS so they require separate installation and enabling. The –symlink option is recommended since it updates the extensions whenever you update the nbgrader repository. The serverextension is a Python module inside nbgrader, so only an enable step is needed. To install and enable all the frontend nbextensions (assignment list, create assignment, and formgrader) along with the server extensions (assignment list and formgrader) run:

jupyter nbextension install --symlink --sys-prefix --py nbgrader
jupyter nbextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix --py nbgrader

To work properly, the assignment list and formgrader extensions require both the nbextension and serverextension. The create assignment extension only has an nbextension part.

Installing Firefox Headless WebDriver

To run tests while developing nbgrader and its documentation, the Firefox headless webdriver must be installed. Please follow the Mozilla installation instructions to get Firefox properly setup on your system.