
The nbgrader system and command line tools

You may install the current version of nbgrader which includes the grading system and command line tools:

pip install nbgrader

Or, if you use Anaconda:

conda install jupyter
conda install -c conda-forge nbgrader

nbgrader extensions in Jupyter Lab

Extensions will be automatically installed after the installation of nbgrader.

The installation will activated 4 server extensions (formgrader, assignment_list, course_list and validate_assignment) and 5 labextensions (formgrader, assignment_list, course_list, validate_assignment and create_assignment).

The server extensions can be disabled individually by running:

jupyter server extension disable nbgrader.server_extensions.formgrader
jupyter server extension disable nbgrader.server_extensions.assignment_list
jupyter server extension disable nbgrader.server_extensions.course_list
jupyter server extension disable nbgrader.server_extensions.validate_assignment

The labextensions are all enabled by default, but can be disabled individually by running:

jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/formgrader
jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/assignment-list
jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/course-list
jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/create-assignment
jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/validate-assignment

or enabled:

jupyter labextension enable nbgrader/formgrader
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader/assignment-list
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader/course-list
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader/create-assignment
jupyter labextension enable nbgrader/validate-assignment

To work properly, the assignment list, formgrader, course list and validate assignment extensions require both the labextension and server extension. The create assignment extension only has an labextension part.

Installation options

When installed/enabled with the --sys-prefix option, the server extension will be installed and enabled for anyone using the particular Python installation or conda environment where nbgrader is installed. If that Python installation is available system-wide, all users will immediately be able to use the nbgrader extensions.

There are a number of ways you may need to customize the installation:

  • To install or enable the labextensions/server extension for just the current user, run the above commands with --user instead of --sys-prefix:

    jupyter labextension enable --level=user nbgrader
    jupyter server extension enable --user --py nbgrader
  • To install or enable the labextensions/server extension for all Python installations on the system, run the above commands with --system instead of --sys-prefix:

    jupyter labextension enable --level=system nbgrader
    jupyter server extension enable --system --py nbgrader

Disabling extensions

You may want to only install one of the nbgrader extensions. To do this, follow the above steps to install everything and then disable the extension you don’t need. For example, to disable the Assignment List extension:

jupyter labextension disable --level=sys_prefix nbgrader/assignment_list
jupyter server extension disable --sys-prefix nbgrader.server_extensions.assignment_list

or to disable the Create Assignment extension:

jupyter labextension disable --level=sys_prefix nbgrader/create_assignment

or to disable the Formgrader extension:

jupyter labextension disable --level=sys_prefix nbgrader/formgrader
jupyter server extension disable --sys-prefix nbgrader.server_extensions.formgrader

or to disable the Course List extension:

jupyter labextension disable --level=sys_prefix nbgrader/course_list
jupyter server extension disable --sys-prefix nbgrader.server_extensions.course_list

For example lets assume you have installed nbgrader via Anaconda (meaning all serverextensions are installed and enabled with the --sys-prefix flag, i.e. anyone using the particular Python installation or conda environment where nbgrader is installed). But you only want the create assignment extension available to a specific user and not everyone else. First you will need to disable the create assignment extension for everyone else:

jupyter labextension disable nbgrader/create_assignment

Log in with the specific user and then enable the create assignment extension only for that user:

jupyter labextension enable --level=user nbgrader/create_assignment

Finally to see all installed labextensions/server extensions, run:

jupyter labextension list
jupyter server extension list

For further documentation on these commands run:

jupyter labextension --help-all
jupyter server extension --help-all

For advanced instructions on installing the assignment list extension please see the advanced installation instructions.

Quick start

To get up and running with nbgrader quickly, you can create an example directory with example course files in it by running the nbgrader quickstart command:

nbgrader quickstart course_id

Where you should replace course_id with the name of your course. For further details on how the quickstart command works, please run:

nbgrader quickstart --help

For an explanation of how this directory is arranged, and what the different files are in it, continue reading on in The philosophy and the approach.