Source code for nbgrader.api

from __future__ import division

from . import utils

import datetime
import subprocess as sp

from sqlalchemy import (create_engine, ForeignKey, Column, String, Text,
                        DateTime, Interval, Float, Enum, UniqueConstraint,
                        Boolean, inspect)
from sqlalchemy.orm import (sessionmaker, scoped_session, relationship,
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, FlushError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError, StatementError
from sqlalchemy.sql import and_, or_
from sqlalchemy import select, func, exists, case, literal_column, union_all
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from tornado.log import app_log

from uuid import uuid4
from .dbutil import _temp_alembic_ini
from typing import List, Any, Optional, Union
from .auth import Authenticator

Base = declarative_base()

def new_uuid() -> str:
    return uuid4().hex

def get_alembic_version() -> str:
    with _temp_alembic_ini('sqlite:////tmp/gradebook.db') as alembic_ini:
        output = sp.check_output(['alembic', '-c', alembic_ini, 'heads'])
        head = output.decode().split("\n")[0].split(" ")[0]
        return head

class InvalidEntry(ValueError):

class MissingEntry(ValueError):

[docs]class Assignment(Base): """Database representation of the master/source version of an assignment.""" __tablename__ = "assignment" #: Unique id of the assignment (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique human-readable name for the assignment, such as "Problem Set 1" name = Column(String(128), unique=True, nullable=False) #: (Optional) Duedate for the assignment in datetime format, with UTC timezone duedate = Column(DateTime()) #: The course for this assignment course_id = Column(String(128), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) course = relationship("Course", back_populates="assignments") #: A collection of notebooks contained in this assignment, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` objects notebooks = relationship("Notebook", back_populates="assignment", order_by="") #: A collection of submissions of this assignment, represented by #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` objects. submissions = relationship("SubmittedAssignment", back_populates="assignment") #: The number of submissions of this assignment num_submissions = None #: Maximum score achievable on this assignment, automatically calculated #: from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook.max_score` of each notebook max_score = None #: Maximum coding score achievable on this assignment, automatically #: calculated from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook.max_code_score` of #: each notebook max_code_score = None #: Maximum written score achievable on this assignment, automatically #: calculated from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook.max_written_score` of #: each notebook max_written_score = None def __init__(self, name, duedate=None, course_id="default_course", **kwargs): = name self.duedate = duedate self.course_id = course_id
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the assignment object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. """ return { "id":, "name":, "duedate": self.duedate.isoformat() if self.duedate is not None else None, "num_submissions": self.num_submissions, "max_score": self.max_score, "max_code_score": self.max_code_score, "max_written_score": self.max_written_score, "max_task_score": self.max_written_score, }
def __repr__(self): return "Assignment<{}>".format(
[docs]class Notebook(Base): """Database representation of the master/source version of a notebook.""" __tablename__ = "notebook" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'assignment_id'),) #: Unique id of the notebook (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique human-readable name for the notebook, such as "Problem 1". Note #: the uniqueness is only constrained within assignments (e.g. it is ok for #: two different assignments to both have notebooks called "Problem 1", but #: the same assignment cannot have two notebooks with the same name). name = Column(String(128), nullable=False) #: The :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object that this notebook is a #: part of assignment = relationship("Assignment", back_populates="notebooks") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook.assignment` assignment_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The json string representation of the kernelspec for this notebook kernelspec = Column(String(1024), nullable=True) _base_cells = relationship("BaseCell", back_populates="notebook") #: A collection of grade cells contained within this notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` objects @property def grade_cells(self): return [x for x in self._base_cells if isinstance(x, GradeCell)] #: A collection of solution cells contained within this notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` objects @property def solution_cells(self): return [x for x in self._base_cells if isinstance(x, SolutionCell)] #: A collection of task cells contained within this notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.TaskCell` objects @property def task_cells(self): return [x for x in self._base_cells if isinstance(x, TaskCell)] #: A collection of source cells contained within this notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell` objects source_cells = relationship("SourceCell", back_populates="notebook") #: A collection of submitted versions of this notebook, represented by #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` objects submissions = relationship("SubmittedNotebook", back_populates="notebook") #: The number of submissions of this notebook num_submissions = None #: Maximum score achievable on this notebook, automatically calculated #: from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.max_score` of each grade cell max_score = None #: Maximum coding score achievable on this notebook, automatically #: calculated from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.max_score` and #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.cell_type` of each grade cell max_code_score = None #: Maximum written score achievable on this notebook, automatically #: calculated from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.max_score` and #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.cell_type` of each grade cell max_written_score = None #: Whether there are any submitted versions of this notebook that need to #: be manually graded, automatically determined from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.needs_manual_grade` attribute of #: each submitted notebook needs_manual_grade = None
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the notebook object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. """ return { "id":, "name":, "num_submissions": self.num_submissions, "max_score": self.max_score, "max_code_score": self.max_code_score, "max_written_score": self.max_written_score, "max_task_score": self.max_task_score, "needs_manual_grade": self.needs_manual_grade }
def __repr__(self): return "Notebook<{}/{}>".format(,
[docs]class BaseCell(Base): """Database representation of a cell. It is meant as a base class for cells where additional behavior is added through mixin classes.""" __tablename__ = "base_cell" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'notebook_id', 'type'),) #: Unique id of the grade cell (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique human-readable name of the cell. This need only be unique #: within the notebook, not across notebooks. name = Column(String(128), nullable=False) #: The notebook that this cell is contained within, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` object notebook = relationship("Notebook", back_populates="_base_cells") #: Unique id of the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.BaseCell.notebook` notebook_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: The assignment that this cell is contained within, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object @property def assignment(self): return self.notebook.assignment def __repr__(self): return "BaseCell<{}/{}/{}>".format(,, type = Column(String(50)) #: A collection of grades associated with this cell, #: represented by :class:`~nbgrader.api.Grade` objects grades = relationship("Grade", back_populates="cell") #: A collection of comments associated with this cell, #: represented by :class:`~nbgrader.api.Comment` objects comments = relationship("Comment", back_populates="cell") __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'BaseCell', 'polymorphic_on': type }
[docs]class GradedMixin(): """Mixin class providing the reference to a grade and the data members relevant for graded cells.""" #: Maximum score that can be assigned to this grade cell @declared_attr def max_score(cls): return Column(Float(), nullable=False) #: The cell type, either "code" or "markdown" @declared_attr def cell_type(cls): return Column(Enum("code", "markdown", name="grade_cell_type", validate_strings=True), nullable=False)
[docs]class GradeCell(BaseCell, GradedMixin): """Database representation of the master/source version of a grade cell.""" __tablename__ = "grade_cells" #: Unique id of the cell (automatically generated from BaseCell) id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) comments = None
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the grade cell object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the names of the notebook and assignment, not the objects themselves. """ return { "id":, "name":, "max_score": self.max_score, "cell_type": self.cell_type, "notebook":, "assignment": }
def __repr__(self): return "GradeCell<{}/{}/{}>".format(,, __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'GradeCell', }
[docs]class SolutionCell(BaseCell): __tablename__ = "solution_cells" #: Unique id of the cell (automatically generated from BaseCell) id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) grades = None
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the solution cell object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the names of the notebook and assignment, not the objects themselves. """ return { "id":, "name":, "notebook":, "assignment": }
def __repr__(self): return "SolutionCell<{}/{}/{}>".format(,, __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity': 'SolutionCell', }
[docs]class TaskCell(BaseCell, GradedMixin): """Database representation of a task cell.""" __tablename__ = "task_cells" #: Unique id of the cell (automatically generated from BaseCell) id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the task cell object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the names of the notebook and assignment, not the objects themselves. """ return { "id":, "name":, "max_score": self.max_score, "notebook":, "assignment": }
def __repr__(self): return "SolutionCell<{}/{}/{}>".format(,, __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'TaskCell'}
[docs]class SourceCell(Base): __tablename__ = "source_cell" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'notebook_id'),) #: Unique id of the source cell (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique human-readable name of the source cell. This need only be unique #: within the notebook, not across notebooks. name = Column(String(128), nullable=False) #: The cell type, either "code" or "markdown" cell_type = Column(Enum("code", "markdown", name="source_cell_type", validate_strings=True), nullable=False) #: Whether the cell is locked (e.g. the source saved in the database should #: be used to overwrite the source of students' cells) locked = Column(Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) #: The source code or text of the cell source = Column(Text()) #: A checksum of the cell contents. This should usually be computed #: using :func:`nbgrader.utils.compute_checksum` checksum = Column(String(128)) #: The :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` that this source cell is contained in notebook = relationship("Notebook", back_populates="source_cells") #: Unique id of the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell.notebook` notebook_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The assignment that this cell is contained within, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object assignment = association_proxy("notebook", "assignment")
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the source cell object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the names of the notebook and assignment, not the objects themselves. """ return { "id":, "name":, "cell_type": self.cell_type, "locked": self.locked, "source": self.source, "checksum": self.checksum, "notebook":, "assignment": }
def __repr__(self): return "SourceCell<{}/{}/{}>".format(,,
[docs]class Student(Base): """Database representation of a student.""" __tablename__ = "student" #: Unique id of the student. This could be a student ID, a username, an #: email address, etc., so long as it is unique. id = Column(String(128), primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: (Optional) The first name of the student first_name = Column(String(128)) #: (Optional) The last name of the student last_name = Column(String(128)) #: (Optional) The student's email address, if the :attr:`` #: does not correspond to an email address email = Column(String(128)) #: A collection of assignments submitted by the student, represented as #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` objects submissions = relationship("SubmittedAssignment", back_populates="student") #: The overall score of the student across all assignments, computed #: automatically from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment.score` #: of each submitted assignment. score = None #: The maximum possible score the student could achieve across all assignments, #: computed automatically from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment.max_score` #: of each assignment. max_score = None #: The LMS user ID, this is mainly for identifying students in your LMS system #: and was added so teachers and TA's can easily send grades to a LMS such as Canvas and Blackboard. lms_user_id = Column(String(128), nullable=True)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the student object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. """ return { "id":, "first_name": self.first_name, "last_name": self.last_name, "email":, "score": self.score, "max_score": self.max_score, "lms_user_id": self.lms_user_id }
def __repr__(self): return "Student<{}>".format(
[docs]class SubmittedAssignment(Base): """Database representation of an assignment submitted by a student.""" __tablename__ = "submitted_assignment" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('assignment_id', 'student_id'),) #: Unique id of the submitted assignment (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Name of the assignment, inherited from :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` name = association_proxy("assignment", "name") #: The master version of this assignment, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object assignment = relationship("Assignment", back_populates="submissions") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment.assignment` assignment_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The student who submitted this assignment, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object student = relationship("Student", back_populates="submissions") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment.student` student_id = Column(String(128), ForeignKey('')) #: (Optional) The date and time that the assignment was submitted, in date #: time format with a UTC timezone timestamp = Column(DateTime()) #: (Optional) An extension given to the student for this assignment, in #: time delta format extension = Column(Interval()) #: A collection of notebooks contained within this submitted assignment, #: represented by :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` objects notebooks = relationship("SubmittedNotebook", back_populates="assignment") #: The score assigned to this assignment, automatically calculated from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.score` of each notebook within #: this submitted assignment. score = None #: The maximum possible score of this assignment, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` max_score = None #: The code score assigned to this assignment, automatically calculated from #: the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.code_score` of each notebook #: within this submitted assignment. code_score = None #: The maximum possible code score of this assignment, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` max_code_score = None #: The written score assigned to this assignment, automatically calculated #: from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.written_score` of each #: notebook within this submitted assignment. written_score = None #: The maximum possible written score of this assignment, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` max_written_score = None #: The task score assigned to this assignment, automatically calculated #: from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.task_score` of each #: notebook within this submitted assignment. task_score = None #: The maximum possible task score of this assignment, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` max_task_score = None #: Whether this assignment has parts that need to be manually graded, #: automatically determined from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.needs_manual_grade` #: attribute of each notebook. needs_manual_grade = None #: The penalty (>= 0) given for submitting the assignment late. #: Automatically determined from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.late_submission_penalty` #: attribute of each notebook. late_submission_penalty = None @property def duedate(self) -> datetime.datetime: """The duedate of this student's assignment, which includes any extension given, if applicable, and which is just the regular assignment duedate otherwise. """ orig_duedate = self.assignment.duedate if self.extension is not None: return orig_duedate + self.extension else: return orig_duedate @property def total_seconds_late(self) -> float: """The number of seconds that this assignment was turned in past the duedate (including extensions, if any). If the assignment was turned in before the deadline, this value will just be zero. """ if self.timestamp is None or self.duedate is None: return 0 else: return max(0, (self.timestamp - self.duedate).total_seconds())
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the submitted assignment object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes a ``student`` key which is the unique id of the student, not the object itself. """ return { "id":, "name":, "student":, "first_name": self.student.first_name, "last_name": self.student.last_name, "timestamp": self.timestamp.isoformat() if self.timestamp is not None else None, "score": self.score, "max_score": self.max_score, "code_score": self.code_score, "max_code_score": self.max_code_score, "written_score": self.written_score, "max_written_score": self.max_written_score, "task_score": self.task_score, "max_task_score": self.max_task_score, "needs_manual_grade": self.needs_manual_grade }
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "SubmittedAssignment<{} for {}>".format(,
[docs]class SubmittedNotebook(Base): """Database representation of a notebook submitted by a student.""" __tablename__ = "submitted_notebook" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('notebook_id', 'assignment_id'),) #: Unique id of the submitted notebook (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Name of the notebook, inherited from :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` name = association_proxy("notebook", "name") #: The submitted assignment this notebook is a part of, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` object assignment = relationship("SubmittedAssignment", back_populates="notebooks") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.assignment` assignment_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The master version of this notebook, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` object notebook = relationship("Notebook", back_populates="submissions") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.notebook` notebook_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: Collection of associated with this submitted notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.Grade` objects grades = relationship("Grade", back_populates="notebook") #: Collection of comments associated with this submitted notebook, represented #: by :class:`~nbgrader.api.Comment` objects comments = relationship("Comment", back_populates="notebook") #: The student who submitted this notebook, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object student = association_proxy('assignment', 'student') #: Whether this assignment has been flagged by a human grader flagged = Column(Boolean, default=False) #: The score assigned to this notebook, automatically calculated from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.score` of each grade cell within #: this submitted notebook. score = None #: The maximum possible score of this notebook, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` max_score = None #: The code score assigned to this notebook, automatically calculated from #: the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.score` and :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.cell_type` #: of each grade within this submitted notebook. code_score = None #: The maximum possible code score of this notebook, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` max_code_score = None #: The written score assigned to this notebook, automatically calculated from #: the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.score` and :attr:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell.cell_type` #: of each grade within this submitted notebook. written_score = None #: The maximum possible written score of this notebook, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` max_written_score = None #: Whether this notebook has parts that need to be manually graded, #: automatically determined from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.needs_manual_grade` #: attribute of each grade. needs_manual_grade = None #: Whether this notebook contains autograder tests that failed to pass, #: automatically determined from the :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.failed_tests` #: attribute of each grade. failed_tests = None #: The penalty (>= 0) given for submitting the assignment late. Updated #: by the :class:`~nbgrader.plugins.LateSubmissionPlugin`. late_submission_penalty = Column(Float(0)) def to_dict(self): """Convert the submitted notebook object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes a key for ``student`` which is the unique id of the student, not the actual student object. """ return { "id":, "name":, "student":, "last_name": self.student.last_name, "first_name": self.student.first_name, "score": self.score, "max_score": self.max_score, "code_score": self.code_score, "max_code_score": self.max_code_score, "written_score": self.written_score, "max_written_score": self.max_written_score, "task_score": self.task_score, "max_task_score": self.max_task_score, "needs_manual_grade": self.needs_manual_grade, "failed_tests": self.failed_tests, "flagged": self.flagged, } def __repr__(self): return "SubmittedNotebook<{}/{} for {}>".format(,,
[docs]class Grade(Base): """Database representation of a grade assigned to the submitted version of a grade cell. """ __tablename__ = "grade" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('cell_id', 'notebook_id'),) #: Unique id of the grade (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique name of the grade cell, inherited from :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` name = association_proxy('cell', 'name') #: The submitted assignment that this grade is contained in, represented by #: a :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` object assignment = association_proxy('notebook', 'assignment') #: The submitted notebook that this grade is assigned to, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` object notebook = relationship("SubmittedNotebook", back_populates="grades") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.notebook` notebook_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The master version of the cell this grade is assigned to, represented by #: a :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` object. cell = relationship('BaseCell', back_populates='grades') #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.cell` cell_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The type of cell this grade corresponds to, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` cell_type = association_proxy('cell', 'cell_type') #: The student who this grade is assigned to, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object student = association_proxy('notebook', 'student') #: Score assigned by the autograder auto_score = Column(Float()) #: Score assigned by a human grader manual_score = Column(Float()) #: Extra credit assigned by a human grader extra_credit = Column(Float()) #: Whether a score needs to be assigned manually. This is True by default. needs_manual_grade = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) #: The overall score, computed automatically from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.auto_score` and :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Grade.manual_score` #: values. If neither are set, the score is zero. If both are set, then the #: manual score takes precedence. If only one is set, then that value is used #: for the score. score = column_property(case( [ (manual_score != None, manual_score + case([(extra_credit != None, extra_credit)], else_=literal_column("0.0"))), (auto_score != None, auto_score + case([(extra_credit != None, extra_credit)], else_=literal_column("0.0"))) ], else_=literal_column("0.0") )) #: The maximum possible score that can be assigned, inherited from #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` max_score_gradecell = None max_score_taskcell = None @property def max_score(self): if self.max_score_taskcell: return self.max_score_taskcell else: return self.max_score_gradecell #: Whether the autograded score is a result of failed autograder tests. This #: is True if the autograder score is zero and the cell type is "code", and #: otherwise False. failed_tests = None
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the grade object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the name of the notebook and assignment, not the actual objects. It also includes a key for ``student`` which corresponds to the unique id of the student, not the actual student object. """ return { "id":, "name":, "notebook":, "assignment":, "student":, "auto_score": self.auto_score, "manual_score": self.manual_score, "extra_credit": self.extra_credit, "max_score": self.max_score, "needs_manual_grade": self.needs_manual_grade, "failed_tests": self.failed_tests, "cell_type": self.cell_type }
def __repr__(self): return "Grade<{}/{}/{} for {}>".format(,,,
[docs]class Comment(Base): """Database representation of a comment on a cell in a submitted notebook.""" __tablename__ = "comment" __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('cell_id', 'notebook_id'),) #: Unique id of the comment (automatically generated) id = Column(String(32), primary_key=True, default=new_uuid) #: Unique name of the solution cell, inherited from :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` name = association_proxy('cell', 'name') #: The submitted assignment that this comment is contained in, represented by #: a :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` object assignment = association_proxy('notebook', 'assignment') #: The submitted notebook that this comment is assigned to, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` object notebook = relationship("SubmittedNotebook", back_populates="comments") #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Comment.notebook` notebook_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The master version of the cell this comment is assigned to, represented by #: a :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` object. cell = relationship('BaseCell', back_populates='comments') #: Unique id of :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Comment.cell` cell_id = Column(String(32), ForeignKey('')) #: The student who this comment is assigned to, represented by a #: :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object student = association_proxy('notebook', 'student') #: A comment which is automatically assigned by the autograder auto_comment = Column(Text()) #: A comment which is assigned manually manual_comment = Column(Text()) #: The overall comment, computed automatically from the #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Comment.auto_comment` and #: :attr:`~nbgrader.api.Comment.manual_comment` values. If neither are set, #: the comment is None. If both are set, then the manual comment #: takes precedence. If only one is set, then that value is used for the #: comment. comment = column_property(case( [ (manual_comment != None, manual_comment), (auto_comment != None, auto_comment) ], else_=None ))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Convert the comment object to a JSON-friendly dictionary representation. Note that this includes keys for ``notebook`` and ``assignment`` which correspond to the name of the notebook and assignment, not the actual objects. It also includes a key for ``student`` which corresponds to the unique id of the student, not the actual student object. """ return { "id":, "name":, "notebook":, "assignment":, "student":, "auto_comment": self.auto_comment, "manual_comment": self.manual_comment }
def __repr__(self): return "Comment<{}/{}/{} for {}>".format(,,,
[docs]class Course(Base): """Table to store the courses""" __tablename__ = "course" id = Column(String(128), unique=True, primary_key=True, nullable=False) assignments = relationship("Assignment", back_populates="course") def __repr__(self): return "Course<{}>".format(
## Needs manual grade SubmittedNotebook.needs_manual_grade = column_property( exists().where(and_( Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.needs_manual_grade)) .correlate_except(Grade), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.needs_manual_grade = column_property( exists().where(and_( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.needs_manual_grade)) .correlate_except(Grade), deferred=True) Notebook.needs_manual_grade = column_property( exists().where(and_( == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id, Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.needs_manual_grade)) .correlate_except(Grade), deferred=True) # Overall scores SubmittedNotebook.score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(Grade.notebook_id == .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id == .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Student.score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( SubmittedAssignment.student_id ==, SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id == .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Overall max scores Grade.max_score_gradecell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(GradeCell.max_score, 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Grade.max_score_taskcell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(TaskCell.max_score, 0.0)]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # a grade is either from a grade cell or a task cell , so only one will not be none Grade.max_score = column_property(func.coalesce(Grade.max_score_gradecell, Grade.max_score_taskcell, 0.0), deferred=True) # try defining the cell_type_**** as athe result of a search as for the max_score # and not through the relationship Grade.cell_type_from_taskcell = column_property( select([TaskCell.cell_type]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Grade.cell_type_from_gradecell = column_property( select([GradeCell.cell_type]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Grade.cell_type = column_property( select([func.coalesce(Grade.cell_type_from_gradecell, Grade.cell_type_from_taskcell)]) .scalar_subquery() ) Notebook.max_score_gradecell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(GradeCell.notebook_id == .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Notebook.max_score_taskcell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(TaskCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(TaskCell.notebook_id == .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Notebook.max_score = column_property( Notebook.max_score_gradecell + Notebook.max_score_taskcell ) SubmittedNotebook.max_score = column_property( select([Notebook.max_score]) .where(SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id == .correlate_except(Notebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_score_gradecell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(and_( Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id == .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_score_taskcell = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(TaskCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(and_( Notebook.assignment_id ==, TaskCell.notebook_id == .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_score = column_property( Assignment.max_score_gradecell + Assignment.max_score_taskcell ) SubmittedAssignment.max_score = column_property( select([Assignment.max_score]) .where(SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id == .correlate_except(Assignment) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Student.max_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Assignment.max_score), 0.0)]) .correlate_except(Assignment) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Written scores SubmittedNotebook.written_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.written_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Written max scores Notebook.max_written_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(and_( GradeCell.notebook_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedNotebook.max_written_score = column_property( select([Notebook.max_written_score]) .where( == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id) .correlate_except(Notebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_written_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(and_( Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.max_written_score = column_property( select([Assignment.max_written_score]) .where( == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id) .correlate_except(Assignment) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Code scores SubmittedNotebook.code_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.code_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Code max scores Notebook.max_code_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(and_( GradeCell.notebook_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")) .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedNotebook.max_code_score = column_property( select([Notebook.max_code_score]) .where( == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id) .correlate_except(Notebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_code_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(GradeCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(and_( Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")) .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.max_code_score = column_property( select([Assignment.max_code_score]) .where( == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id) .correlate_except(Assignment) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # task score SubmittedNotebook.task_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.task_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0)]) .where(and_( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id ==, == Grade.cell_id, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(Grade) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # task max scores Notebook.max_task_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(TaskCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(and_( TaskCell.notebook_id ==, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedNotebook.max_task_score = column_property( select([Notebook.max_task_score]) .where( == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id) .correlate_except(Notebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Assignment.max_task_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(TaskCell.max_score), 0.0)]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(and_( Notebook.assignment_id ==, TaskCell.notebook_id ==, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")) .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) SubmittedAssignment.max_task_score = column_property( select([func.coalesce(Assignment.max_task_score, 0.0)]) .scalar_subquery() ) # Number of submissions Assignment.num_submissions = column_property( select([func.count(]) .where(SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id == .correlate_except(SubmittedAssignment) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Notebook.num_submissions = column_property( select([func.count(]) .where(SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id == .correlate_except(SubmittedNotebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Cell type Grade.cell_type_gradecell = column_property( select([GradeCell.cell_type]) .select_from(GradeCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(GradeCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) Grade.cell_type_taskcell = column_property( select([TaskCell.cell_type]) .select_from(TaskCell) .where(Grade.cell_id == .correlate_except(TaskCell) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True) # Failed tests Grade.failed_tests = column_property( (Grade.cell_type_gradecell != None) & ((Grade.auto_score < Grade.max_score_gradecell) & (Grade.cell_type_gradecell == "code")) ) SubmittedNotebook.failed_tests = column_property( exists().where(and_( Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.failed_tests)) .correlate_except(Grade), deferred=True) # Late penalties SubmittedAssignment.late_submission_penalty = column_property( select([func.coalesce(func.sum(SubmittedNotebook.late_submission_penalty), 0.0)]) .where(SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id == .correlate_except(SubmittedNotebook) .scalar_subquery(), deferred=True)
[docs]class Gradebook(object): """The gradebook object to interface with the database holding nbgrader grades. """
[docs] def __init__(self, db_url: str, course_id: str = "default_course", authenticator: Optional[Authenticator] = None): """Initialize the connection to the database. Parameters ---------- db_url: The URL to the database, e.g. ``sqlite:///grades.db`` course_id: identifier of the course necessary for supporting multiple classes default course_id is '' to be consistent with :class:~`nbgrader.apps.api.NbGraderAPI` authenticator: An authenticator instance for communicating with an external database. """ # create the connection to the database self.engine = create_engine(db_url, echo=False) self.db = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True, bind=self.engine)) # this creates all the tables in the database if they don't already exist db_exists = len(inspect(self.engine).get_table_names()) > 0 Base.metadata.create_all(bind=self.engine) # set the alembic version if it doesn't exist if not db_exists: alembic_version = get_alembic_version() self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE alembic_version (version_num VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL);") self.db.execute("INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('{}');".format(alembic_version)) self.db.commit() self.check_course(course_id=course_id) self.course_id = course_id self.authenticator = authenticator
def __enter__(self) -> 'Gradebook': return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Any], exc_value: Optional[Any], traceback: Optional[Any]) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection to the database. It is important to call this method after you are done using the gradebook. In particular, if you create multiple instances of the gradebook without closing them, you may run into errors where there are too many open connections to the database. """ self.db.remove() self.engine.dispose()
[docs] def check_course(self, course_id: str = "default_course", **kwargs: dict) -> Course: """Set the course id Parameters ---------- course_id : string The unique id of the course `**kwargs` : dict other keyword arguments to the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Course` object Returns ------- course : :class:`~nbgrader.api.Course` """ course = None try: course = self.db.query(Course)\ .filter(\ .one() except NoResultFound: if course_id: new_course = Course(id=course_id, **kwargs) course = self.db.add(new_course) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return course
#### Students @property def students(self) -> List[Student]: """A list of all students in the database.""" return self.db.query(Student)\ .order_by(Student.last_name, Student.first_name)\ .all()
[docs] def add_student(self, student_id: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Student: """Add a new student to the database. Parameters ---------- student_id: The unique id of the student `**kwargs`: other keyword arguments to the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object Returns ------- student """ if self.authenticator: self.authenticator.add_student_to_course(student_id, self.course_id) student = Student(id=student_id, **kwargs) self.db.add(student) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return student
[docs] def find_student(self, student_id: str) -> Student: """Find a student. Parameters ---------- student_id: The unique id of the student Returns ------- student """ try: student = self.db.query(Student)\ .filter( == student_id)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such student: {}".format(student_id)) return student
[docs] def update_or_create_student(self, student_id: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Student: """Update an existing student, or create it if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- student_id: The unique id of the student `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Student` object Returns ------- student """ try: student = self.find_student(student_id) except MissingEntry: student = self.add_student(student_id, **kwargs) else: # Make sure the student is in the course, even if it's somehow # already in the database. if self.authenticator: self.authenticator.add_student_to_course( student_id, self.course_id) for attr in kwargs: setattr(student, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return student
[docs] def remove_student(self, student_id): """Deletes an existing student from the gradebook, including any submissions the might be associated with that student. Parameters ---------- student_id : string The unique id of the student """ if self.authenticator: self.authenticator.remove_student_from_course( student_id, self.course_id) student = self.find_student(student_id) for submission in student.submissions: self.remove_submission(, student_id) self.db.delete(student) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
# Assignments @property def assignments(self) -> List[Assignment]: """A list of all assignments in the gradebook.""" return self.db.query(Assignment)\ .order_by(Assignment.duedate,\ .all()
[docs] def add_assignment(self, name: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Assignment: """Add a new assignment to the gradebook. Parameters ---------- name: the unique name of the new assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object Returns ------- assignment """ if 'duedate' in kwargs: kwargs['duedate'] = utils.parse_utc(kwargs['duedate']) if 'course_id' not in kwargs: kwargs['course_id'] = self.course_id assignment = Assignment(name=name, **kwargs) self.db.add(assignment) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return assignment
[docs] def find_assignment(self, name: str) -> Assignment: """Find an assignment in the gradebook. Parameters ---------- name: the unique name of the assignment Returns ------- assignment """ try: assignment = self.db.query(Assignment)\ .filter( == name)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such assignment: {}".format(name)) return assignment
[docs] def update_or_create_assignment(self, name: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Assignment: """Update an existing assignment, or create it if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Assignment` object Returns ------- assignment """ try: assignment = self.find_assignment(name) except MissingEntry: assignment = self.add_assignment(name, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: if attr == 'duedate': setattr(assignment, attr, utils.parse_utc(kwargs[attr])) else: setattr(assignment, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return assignment
[docs] def remove_assignment(self, name): """Deletes an existing assignment from the gradebook, including any submissions the might be associated with that assignment. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the assignment to delete """ assignment = self.find_assignment(name) for submission in assignment.submissions: self.remove_submission(name, for notebook in assignment.notebooks: self.remove_notebook(, name) self.db.delete(assignment) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
# Notebooks
[docs] def add_notebook(self, name: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Notebook: """Add a new notebook to an assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the new notebook assignment: the name of an existing assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` object Returns ------- notebook """ notebook = Notebook( name=name, assignment=self.find_assignment(assignment), **kwargs) self.db.add(notebook) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return notebook
[docs] def find_notebook(self, name: str, assignment: str) -> Notebook: """Find a particular notebook in an assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment Returns ------- notebook """ try: notebook = self.db.query(Notebook)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such notebook: {}/{}".format(assignment, name)) return notebook
[docs] def update_or_create_notebook(self, name, assignment, **kwargs): """Update an existing notebook, or create it if it doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the notebook assignment : string the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for the :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` object Returns ------- notebook : :class:`~nbgrader.api.Notebook` """ try: notebook = self.find_notebook(name, assignment) except MissingEntry: notebook = self.add_notebook(name, assignment, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: setattr(notebook, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return notebook
[docs] def remove_notebook(self, name, assignment): """Deletes an existing notebook from the gradebook, including any submissions the might be associated with that notebook. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the notebook to delete assignment : string the name of an existing assignment """ notebook = self.find_notebook(name, assignment) for submission in notebook.submissions: self.remove_submission_notebook(name, assignment, for grade_cell in notebook.grade_cells: self.db.delete(grade_cell) for solution_cell in notebook.solution_cells: self.db.delete(solution_cell) for source_cell in notebook.source_cells: self.db.delete(source_cell) for task_cell in notebook.task_cells: self.db.delete(task_cell) self.db.delete(notebook) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
# Grade cells
[docs] def add_grade_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> GradeCell: """Add a new grade cell to an existing notebook of an existing assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the new grade cell notebook: the name of an existing notebook assignment: the name of an existing assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` Returns ------- grade_cell """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook, assignment) grade_cell = GradeCell(name=name, notebook=notebook, **kwargs) self.db.add(grade_cell) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return grade_cell
[docs] def find_grade_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str) -> GradeCell: """Find a grade cell in a particular notebook of an assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the grade cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment Returns ------- grade_cell """ try: grade_cell = self.db.query(GradeCell)\ .join(Notebook, == GradeCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such grade cell: {}/{}/{}".format(assignment, notebook, name)) return grade_cell
[docs] def find_graded_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str) -> Union[GradeCell, TaskCell]: """Find a graded cell in a particular notebook of an assignment. This can be either a GradeCell or a TaskCell Parameters ---------- name: the name of the grade cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment Returns ------- grade_cell """ try: grade_cell = self.db.query(GradeCell)\ .join(Notebook, == GradeCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: try: grade_cell = self.db.query(TaskCell)\ .join(Notebook, == TaskCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such grade cell: {}/{}/{}".format(assignment, notebook, name)) return grade_cell
[docs] def update_or_create_grade_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> GradeCell: """Update an existing grade cell in a notebook of an assignment, or create the grade cell if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the grade cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.GradeCell` Returns ------- grade_cell """ try: grade_cell = self.find_grade_cell(name, notebook, assignment) except MissingEntry: grade_cell = self.add_grade_cell(name, notebook, assignment, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: setattr(grade_cell, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return grade_cell
# Solution cells
[docs] def add_solution_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> SolutionCell: """Add a new solution cell to an existing notebook of an existing assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the new solution cell notebook: the name of an existing notebook assignment: the name of an existing assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` Returns ------- solution_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook, assignment) solution_cell = SolutionCell(name=name, notebook=notebook, **kwargs) self.db.add(solution_cell) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return solution_cell
[docs] def find_solution_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str) -> SolutionCell: """Find a solution cell in a particular notebook of an assignment. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the solution cell notebook : string the name of the notebook assignment : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- solution_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` """ try: solution_cell = self.db.query(SolutionCell)\ .join(Notebook, == SolutionCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such solution cell: {}/{}/{}".format(assignment, notebook, name)) return solution_cell
[docs] def update_or_create_solution_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict ) -> SolutionCell: """Update an existing solution cell in a notebook of an assignment, or create the solution cell if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the solution cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SolutionCell` Returns ------- solution_cell """ try: solution_cell = self.find_solution_cell(name, notebook, assignment) except MissingEntry: solution_cell = self.add_solution_cell(name, notebook, assignment, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: setattr(solution_cell, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return solution_cell
# Task cells
[docs] def add_task_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> TaskCell: """Add a new task cell to an existing notebook of an existing assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the new solution cell notebook: the name of an existing notebook assignment: the name of an existing assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.TaskCell` Returns ------- solution_cell """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook, assignment) task_cell = TaskCell(name=name, notebook=notebook, **kwargs) self.db.add(task_cell) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return task_cell
[docs] def find_task_cell(self, name, notebook, assignment): """Find a task cell in a particular notebook of an assignment. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the solution cell notebook : string the name of the notebook assignment : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- solution_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.TaskCell` """ try: task_cell = self.db.query(TaskCell)\ .join(Notebook, == TaskCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such task cell: {}/{}/{}".format(assignment, notebook, name)) return task_cell
[docs] def update_or_create_task_cell(self, name, notebook, assignment, **kwargs): """Update an existing task cell in a notebook of an assignment, or create the solution cell if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the solution cell notebook : string the name of the notebook assignment : string the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.TaskCell` Returns ------- task_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.TaskCell` """ try: task_cell = self.find_task_cell(name, notebook, assignment) except MissingEntry: task_cell = self.add_task_cell(name, notebook, assignment, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: setattr(task_cell, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return task_cell
# Source cells
[docs] def add_source_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> SourceCell: """Add a new source cell to an existing notebook of an existing assignment. Parameters ---------- name : string the name of the new source cell notebook : string the name of an existing notebook assignment : string the name of an existing assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell` Returns ------- source_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell` """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook, assignment) source_cell = SourceCell(name=name, notebook=notebook, **kwargs) self.db.add(source_cell) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return source_cell
[docs] def find_source_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str) -> SourceCell: """Find a source cell in a particular notebook of an assignment. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the source cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment Returns ------- source_cell : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell` """ try: source_cell = self.db.query(SourceCell)\ .join(Notebook, == SourceCell.notebook_id)\ .join(Assignment, == Notebook.assignment_id)\ .filter( == name, == notebook, == assignment)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such source cell: {}/{}/{}".format(assignment, notebook, name)) return source_cell
[docs] def update_or_create_source_cell(self, name: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, **kwargs: dict) -> SourceCell: """Update an existing source cell in a notebook of an assignment, or create the source cell if it does not exist. Parameters ---------- name: the name of the source cell notebook: the name of the notebook assignment: the name of the assignment `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SourceCell` Returns ------- source_cell """ try: source_cell = self.find_source_cell(name, notebook, assignment) except MissingEntry: source_cell = self.add_source_cell(name, notebook, assignment, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: setattr(source_cell, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return source_cell
# Submissions
[docs] def add_submission(self, assignment: str, student: str, **kwargs: dict) -> SubmittedAssignment: """Add a new submission of an assignment by a student. This method not only creates the high-level submission object, but also mirrors the entire structure of the existing assignment. Thus, once this method has been called, the new submission exists and is completely ready to be filled in with grades and comments. Parameters ---------- assignment: the name of an existing assignment student: the name of an existing student `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` Returns ------- submission """ if 'timestamp' in kwargs: kwargs['timestamp'] = utils.parse_utc(kwargs['timestamp']) try: submission = SubmittedAssignment( assignment=self.find_assignment(assignment), student=self.find_student(student), **kwargs) for notebook in submission.assignment.notebooks: nb = SubmittedNotebook(notebook=notebook, assignment=submission) for grade_cell in notebook.grade_cells: Grade(, notebook=nb) for solution_cell in notebook.solution_cells: Comment(, notebook=nb) for task_cell in notebook.task_cells: Comment(, notebook=nb) Grade(, notebook=nb) self.db.add(submission) self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return submission
[docs] def find_submission(self, assignment: str, student: str) -> SubmittedAssignment: """Find a student's submission for a given assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment : string the name of an assignment student : string the unique id of a student Returns ------- submission : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` """ try: submission = self.db.query(SubmittedAssignment)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such submission: {} for {}".format( assignment, student)) return submission
[docs] def update_or_create_submission(self, assignment: str, student: str, **kwargs: dict) -> SubmittedAssignment: """Update an existing submission of an assignment by a given student, or create a new submission if it doesn't exist. See :func:`~nbgrader.api.Gradebook.add_submission` for additional details. Parameters ---------- assignment: the name of an existing assignment student: the name of an existing student `**kwargs` additional keyword arguments for :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` Returns ------- submission """ try: submission = self.find_submission(assignment, student) except MissingEntry: submission = self.add_submission(assignment, student, **kwargs) else: for attr in kwargs: if attr == 'timestamp': setattr(submission, attr, utils.parse_utc(kwargs[attr])) else: setattr(submission, attr, kwargs[attr]) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args) return submission
[docs] def grant_extension(self, assignment, student, minutes=0, hours=0, days=0, weeks=0): """Gives an extension to a student for an assignment. Note that extensions do not stack: if you call this method multiple times for the same assignment and student, the extension will be replaced. So if you want to extend an assignment by two days, and then another day, you will need to call this method with days=3 the second time. If you do not provide any of the time arguments (minutes, hours, days, weeks), then any existing extension will be removed. Parameters ---------- assignment : string the name of an assignment student : string the unique id of a student minutes : number (default=0) The number of minutes in the extension hours : number (default=0) The number of hours in the extension days : number (default=0) The number of days in the extension weeks : number (default=0) The number of weeks in the extension """ submission = self.find_submission(assignment, student) if minutes == 0 and hours == 0 and days == 0 and weeks == 0: submission.extension = None else: submission.extension = datetime.timedelta( minutes=minutes, hours=hours, days=days, weeks=weeks) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
[docs] def remove_submission(self, assignment, student): """Removes a submission from the database. Parameters ---------- assignment : string the name of an assignment student : string the name of a student """ submission = self.find_submission(assignment, student) for notebook in submission.notebooks: self.remove_submission_notebook(, assignment, student) self.db.delete(submission) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
[docs] def remove_submission_notebook(self, notebook, assignment, student): """Removes a submitted notebook from the database. Parameters ---------- notebook : string the name of a notebook assignment : string the name of an assignment student : string the name of a student """ submission = self.find_submission_notebook(notebook, assignment, student) for grade in submission.grades: self.db.delete(grade) for comment in submission.comments: self.db.delete(comment) self.db.delete(submission) try: self.db.commit() except (IntegrityError, FlushError, StatementError) as e: app_log.exception("Rolling back session due to database error %s" % e) self.db.rollback() raise InvalidEntry(*e.args)
[docs] def assignment_submissions(self, assignment): """Find all submissions of a given assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment : string the name of an assignment Returns ------- submissions : list A list of :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` objects """ return self.db.query(SubmittedAssignment)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .filter( == assignment)\ .all()
[docs] def notebook_submissions(self, notebook, assignment): """Find all submissions of a given notebook in a given assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook : string the name of a notebook assignment : string the name of an assignment Returns ------- submissions : list A list of :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` objects """ return self.db.query(SubmittedNotebook)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .filter( == notebook, == assignment)\ .all()
[docs] def student_submissions(self, student): """Find all submissions by a given student. Parameters ---------- student : string the student's unique id Returns ------- submissions : list A list of :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment` objects """ return self.db.query(SubmittedAssignment)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == student)\ .all()
[docs] def find_submission_notebook(self, notebook: str, assignment: str, student: str) -> SubmittedNotebook: """Find a particular notebook in a student's submission for a given assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook: the name of a notebook assignment: the name of an assignment student: the unique id of a student Returns ------- notebook """ try: notebook = self.db.query(SubmittedNotebook)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == notebook, == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such submitted notebook: {}/{} for {}".format( assignment, notebook, student)) return notebook
[docs] def find_submission_notebook_by_id(self, notebook_id): """Find a submitted notebook by its unique id. Parameters ---------- notebook_id : string the unique id of the submitted notebook Returns ------- notebook : :class:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook` """ try: notebook = self.db.query(SubmittedNotebook)\ .filter( == notebook_id)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such submitted notebook: {}".format(notebook_id)) return notebook
[docs] def find_grade(self, grade_cell: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, student: str) -> Grade: """Find a particular grade in a notebook in a student's submission for a given assignment. Parameters ---------- grade_cell: the name of a grade or task cell notebook: the name of a notebook assignment: the name of an assignment student: the unique id of a student Returns ------- grade """ try: grade = self.db.query(Grade)\ .join(GradeCell, == Grade.cell_id)\ .join(SubmittedNotebook, == Grade.notebook_id)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == grade_cell, == notebook, == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: try: grade = self.db.query(Grade)\ .join(TaskCell, == Grade.cell_id)\ .join(SubmittedNotebook, == Grade.notebook_id)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == grade_cell, == notebook, == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such grade: {}/{}/{} for {}".format( assignment, notebook, grade_cell, student)) return grade
[docs] def find_grade_by_id(self, grade_id): """Find a grade by its unique id. Parameters ---------- grade_id : string the unique id of the grade Returns ------- grade : :class:`~nbgrader.api.Grade` """ try: grade = self.db.query(Grade).filter( == grade_id).one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such grade: {}".format(grade_id)) return grade
[docs] def find_comment(self, solution_cell: str, notebook: str, assignment: str, student: str) -> Comment: """Find a particular comment in a notebook in a student's submission for a given assignment. Parameters ---------- solution_cell: the name of a solution or task cell notebook: the name of a notebook assignment: the name of an assignment student: the unique id of a student Returns ------- comment """ try: comment = self.db.query(Comment)\ .join(SolutionCell, == Comment.cell_id)\ .join(SubmittedNotebook, == Comment.notebook_id)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == solution_cell, == notebook, == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: try: comment = self.db.query(Comment)\ .join(TaskCell, == Comment.cell_id)\ .join(SubmittedNotebook, == Comment.notebook_id)\ .join(Notebook, == SubmittedNotebook.notebook_id)\ .join(SubmittedAssignment, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id)\ .join(Assignment, == SubmittedAssignment.assignment_id)\ .join(Student, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id)\ .filter( == solution_cell, == notebook, == assignment, == student)\ .one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such taskcomment: {}/{}/{} for {}".format( assignment, notebook, solution_cell, student)) return comment
[docs] def find_comment_by_id(self, comment_id): """Find a comment by its unique id. Parameters ---------- comment_id : string the unique id of the comment Returns ------- comment : :class:`~nbgrader.api.Comment` """ try: comment = self.db.query(Comment).filter( == comment_id).one() except NoResultFound: raise MissingEntry("No such comment: {}".format(comment_id)) return comment
[docs] def average_assignment_score(self, assignment_id): """Compute the average score for an assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- score : float The average score """ assignment = self.find_assignment(assignment_id) if assignment.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum_gradecell = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(GradeCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter( == assignment_id).scalar() score_sum_taskcell = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(TaskCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter( == assignment_id).scalar() score_sum = score_sum_gradecell + score_sum_taskcell return score_sum / assignment.num_submissions
[docs] def average_assignment_code_score(self, assignment_id): """Compute the average code score for an assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- score : float The average code score """ assignment = self.find_assignment(assignment_id) if assignment.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(GradeCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")).scalar() return score_sum / assignment.num_submissions
[docs] def average_assignment_written_score(self, assignment_id): """Compute the average written score for an assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- score : float The average written score """ assignment = self.find_assignment(assignment_id) if assignment.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(GradeCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")).scalar() return score_sum / assignment.num_submissions
[docs] def average_assignment_task_score(self, assignment_id): """Compute the average task score for an assignment. Parameters ---------- assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- score : float The average task score """ assignment = self.find_assignment(assignment_id) if assignment.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(TaskCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, TaskCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")).scalar() return score_sum / assignment.num_submissions
[docs] def average_notebook_score(self, notebook_id: str, assignment_id: str) -> float: """Compute the average score for a particular notebook in an assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook_id: the name of the notebook assignment_id: the name of the assignment Returns ------- score: The average notebook score """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook_id, assignment_id) if notebook.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == notebook_id, == assignment_id)).scalar() return score_sum / notebook.num_submissions
[docs] def average_notebook_code_score(self, notebook_id: str, assignment_id: str) -> float: """Compute the average code score for a particular notebook in an assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook_id: the name of the notebook assignment_id: the name of the assignment Returns ------- score: The average notebook code score """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook_id, assignment_id) if notebook.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(GradeCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == notebook_id, == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "code")).scalar() return score_sum / notebook.num_submissions
[docs] def average_notebook_written_score(self, notebook_id: str, assignment_id: str) -> float: """Compute the average written score for a particular notebook in an assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook_id: the name of the notebook assignment_id: the name of the assignment Returns ------- score: The average notebook written score """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook_id, assignment_id) if notebook.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(GradeCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == notebook_id, == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, GradeCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")).scalar() return score_sum / notebook.num_submissions
[docs] def average_notebook_task_score(self, notebook_id: str, assignment_id: str) -> float: """Compute the average task score for a particular notebook in an assignment. Parameters ---------- notebook_id: the name of the notebook assignment_id: the name of the assignment Returns ------- score: The average notebook task score """ notebook = self.find_notebook(notebook_id, assignment_id) if notebook.num_submissions == 0: return 0.0 score_sum = self.db.query(func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0))\ .join(TaskCell).join(Notebook).join(Assignment)\ .filter(and_( == notebook_id, == assignment_id, Notebook.assignment_id ==, TaskCell.notebook_id ==, Grade.cell_id ==, TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")).scalar() return score_sum / notebook.num_submissions
[docs] def student_dicts(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries containing student data. Equivalent to calling :func:`~nbgrader.api.Student.to_dict` for each student, except that this method is implemented using proper SQL joins and is much faster. Returns ------- students : list A list of dictionaries, one per student """ max_scores = self.db.query(, func.sum(Assignment.max_score).label("max_score") ).group_by( _max_scores = func.coalesce(max_scores.c.max_score, 0.0) total_score, = self.db.query(func.sum(_max_scores)).one() if len(self.assignments) > 0 and total_score > 0: # subquery the scores scores = self.db.query(, func.sum(Grade.score).label("score") ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Grade)\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # full query _scores = func.coalesce(scores.c.score, 0.0) students = self.db.query(, Student.first_name, Student.last_name,, _scores, func.sum(Assignment.max_score), Student.lms_user_id ).outerjoin(scores, ==\ .group_by(, Student.first_name, Student.last_name,, _scores, Student.lms_user_id)\ .all() keys = ["id", "first_name", "last_name", "email", "score", "max_score", "lms_user_id"] return [dict(zip(keys, x)) for x in students] else: students = [s.to_dict() for s in self.students] return students
[docs] def submission_dicts(self, assignment_id): """Returns a list of dictionaries containing submission data. Equivalent to calling :func:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedAssignment.to_dict` for each submission, except that this method is implemented using proper SQL joins and is much faster. Parameters ---------- assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- submissions : list A list of dictionaries, one per submitted assignment """ # subquery the code scores code_scores = self.db.query("id"), func.sum(Grade.score).label("code_score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_code_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "code")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for the written scores written_scores = self.db.query("id"), func.sum(Grade.score).label("written_score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_written_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for the task scores task_scores = self.db.query("id"), func.sum(Grade.score).label("task_score"), func.sum(TaskCell.max_score).label("max_task_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(TaskCell)\ .filter(TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for needing manual grading manual_grade = self.db.query(, exists().where(Grade.needs_manual_grade).label("needs_manual_grade") ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Assignment).join(Notebook)\ .filter( SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id ==, Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.needs_manual_grade)\ .group_by(\ .subquery() all_scores = union_all( self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Grade).join(GradeCell) .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "code") .group_by(, # subquery for the written scores self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(, self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(TaskCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Grade).join(TaskCell)\ .filter(TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by( ) total_scores = self.db.query( func.sum(all_scores.c.score).label("score"), func.sum(all_scores.c.max_score).label("max_score"),"id"), ).group_by(\ .subquery() # full query _manual_grade = func.coalesce(manual_grade.c.needs_manual_grade, False) assignments = self.db.query(,, SubmittedAssignment.timestamp, Student.first_name, Student.last_name,, func.coalesce(total_scores.c.score, 0.0), func.coalesce(total_scores.c.max_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(code_scores.c.code_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(code_scores.c.max_code_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(written_scores.c.written_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(written_scores.c.max_written_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(task_scores.c.task_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(task_scores.c.max_task_score, 0.0), _manual_grade ).select_from(SubmittedAssignment ).join(SubmittedNotebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade)\ .outerjoin(code_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(written_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(task_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(manual_grade, ==\ .outerjoin(total_scores, ==\ .filter(and_( == assignment_id, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id, == Grade.notebook_id, ==\ .group_by(,, SubmittedAssignment.timestamp, Student.first_name, Student.last_name,, code_scores.c.code_score, code_scores.c.max_code_score, written_scores.c.written_score, written_scores.c.max_written_score, task_scores.c.task_score, task_scores.c.max_task_score, total_scores.c.score, total_scores.c.max_score, _manual_grade)\ .all() keys = [ "id", "name", "timestamp", "first_name", "last_name", "student", "score", "max_score", "code_score", "max_code_score", "written_score", "max_written_score", "task_score", "max_task_score", "needs_manual_grade" ] return [dict(zip(keys, x)) for x in assignments]
[docs] def notebook_submission_dicts(self, notebook_id, assignment_id): """Returns a list of dictionaries containing submission data. Equivalent to calling :func:`~nbgrader.api.SubmittedNotebook.to_dict` for each submission, except that this method is implemented using proper SQL joins and is much faster. Parameters ---------- notebook_id : string the name of the notebook assignment_id : string the name of the assignment Returns ------- submissions : list A list of dictionaries, one per submitted notebook """ # subquery the code scores code_scores = self.db.query(, func.sum(Grade.score).label("code_score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_code_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "code")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for the written scores written_scores = self.db.query(, func.sum(Grade.score).label("written_score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_written_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for the written scores task_scores = self.db.query(, func.coalesce(func.sum(Grade.score), 0.0).label("task_score"), func.sum(TaskCell.max_score).label("max_task_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade).join(TaskCell)\ .filter(TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(\ .subquery() max_scores = self.db.query(, func.sum(task_scores.c.max_task_score).label("mmmm"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(task_scores)\ .group_by(\ .subquery() all_scores = union_all( self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(Grade).join(GradeCell) .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "code") .group_by(, # subquery for the written scores self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(GradeCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(Grade).join(GradeCell)\ .filter(GradeCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by(, self.db.query('id'), func.sum(Grade.score).label("score"), func.sum(TaskCell.max_score).label("max_score"), ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(Grade).join(TaskCell)\ .filter(TaskCell.cell_type == "markdown")\ .group_by( ) total_scores = self.db.query( func.sum(all_scores.c.score).label("score"), func.sum(all_scores.c.max_score).label("max_score"),"id"), )\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for needing manual grading manual_grade = self.db.query(, exists().where(Grade.needs_manual_grade).label("needs_manual_grade") ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Assignment).join(Notebook)\ .filter( Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.needs_manual_grade)\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # subquery for failed tests failed_tests = self.db.query(, exists().where(Grade.failed_tests).label("failed_tests") ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Assignment).join(Notebook)\ .filter( Grade.notebook_id ==, Grade.failed_tests)\ .group_by(\ .subquery() # full query _manual_grade = func.coalesce(manual_grade.c.needs_manual_grade, False) _failed_tests = func.coalesce(failed_tests.c.failed_tests, False) submissions = self.db.query(,,, Student.first_name, Student.last_name, func.coalesce(total_scores.c.score, 0.0), func.coalesce(total_scores.c.max_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(code_scores.c.code_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(code_scores.c.max_code_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(written_scores.c.written_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(written_scores.c.max_written_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(task_scores.c.task_score, 0.0), func.coalesce(task_scores.c.max_task_score, 0.0), _manual_grade, _failed_tests, SubmittedNotebook.flagged ).select_from(SubmittedNotebook ).join(SubmittedAssignment).join(Notebook).join(Assignment).join(Student).join(Grade)\ .outerjoin(code_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(written_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(task_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(total_scores, ==\ .outerjoin(manual_grade, ==\ .outerjoin(failed_tests, ==\ .filter(and_( == notebook_id, == assignment_id, == SubmittedAssignment.student_id, == SubmittedNotebook.assignment_id, == Grade.notebook_id, ==, ) ).group_by(,,, Student.first_name, Student.last_name, code_scores.c.code_score, code_scores.c.max_code_score, written_scores.c.written_score, written_scores.c.max_written_score, task_scores.c.task_score, task_scores.c.max_task_score, total_scores.c.score, total_scores.c.max_score, _manual_grade, _failed_tests, SubmittedNotebook.flagged)\ .all() keys = [ "id", "name", "student", "first_name", "last_name", "score", "max_score", "code_score", "max_code_score", "written_score", "max_written_score", "task_score", "max_task_score", "needs_manual_grade", "failed_tests", "flagged" ] return [dict(zip(keys, x)) for x in submissions]