Source code for nbgrader.plugins.zipcollect

import os
import re
import shutil

from textwrap import dedent
from traitlets import Bool, List, Unicode
from typing import Optional

from .base import BasePlugin
from ..utils import unzip

[docs]class ExtractorPlugin(BasePlugin): """Submission archive files extractor plugin for the :class:`~nbgrader.apps.zipcollectapp.ZipCollectApp`. Extractor plugin subclasses MUST inherit from this class. """ force = Bool( default_value=False, help="Force overwrite of existing files." ).tag(config=True) zip_ext = List( ['.zip', '.gz'], help=dedent( """ List of valid archive (zip) filename extensions to extract. Any archive (zip) files with an extension not in this list are copied to the `extracted_directory`. """ ) ).tag(config=True)
[docs] def extract(self, archive_path: str, extracted_path: str) -> None: """Extract archive (zip) files and submission files in the `archive_directory`. Files are extracted to the `extracted_directory`. Non-archive (zip) files found in the `archive_directory` are copied to the `extracted_directory`. This is the main function called by the :class:`~nbgrader.apps.zipcollectapp.ZipCollectApp` for each archive file to be extracted. Arguments --------- archive_path: Absolute path to the `archive_directory`. extracted_path: Absolute path to the `extracted_directory`. """ if not os.listdir(archive_path): self.log.warning( "No files found in directory: {}".format(archive_path)) return for root, _, archive_files in os.walk(archive_path): if not archive_files: continue extract_to = os.path.normpath(os.path.join( extracted_path, os.path.relpath(root, archive_path) )) if not os.path.isdir(extract_to): os.makedirs(extract_to) for zfile in archive_files: zfile = os.path.join(root, zfile) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(zfile)) # unzip (tree) each archive file in archive_path if ext in self.zip_ext: # double splitext for .tar.gz fname, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) if ext == '.tar': filename = fname"Extracting from: {}".format(zfile))" Extracting to: {}".format( os.path.join(extract_to, filename))) unzip( zfile, extract_to, zip_ext=self.zip_ext, create_own_folder=True, tree=True ) # move each non-archive file in archive_path else: dest = os.path.join(extract_to, os.path.basename(zfile))"Copying from: {}".format(zfile))" Copying to: {}".format(dest)) shutil.copy(zfile, dest)
[docs]class FileNameCollectorPlugin(BasePlugin): """Submission filename collector plugin for the :class:`~nbgrader.apps.zipcollectapp.ZipCollectApp`. Collect plugin subclasses MUST inherit from this class. """ named_regexp = Unicode( default_value='', help=dedent( r""" This regular expression is applied to each submission filename and MUST be supplied by the instructor. This regular expression MUST provide the `(?P<student_id>...)` and `(?P<file_id>...)` named group expressions. Optionally this regular expression can also provide the `(?P<first_name>...)`, `(?P<last_name>...)`, `(?P<email>...)`, and `(?P<timestamp>...)` named group expressions. For example if the filename is: `ps1_bitdiddle_attempt_2016-01-30-15-00-00_problem1.ipynb` then this `named_regexp` could be: ".*_(?P<student_id>\w+)_attempt_(?P<timestamp>[0-9\-]+)_(?P<file_id>\w+)" For named group regular expression examples see """ ) ).tag(config=True) valid_ext = List( default_value=['.ipynb'], help=dedent( """ List of valid submission filename extensions to collect. Any submitted file with an extension not in this list is skipped. """ ) ).tag(config=True) def _match(self, filename: str) -> Optional[dict]: """Match the named group regular expression to the beginning of the filename and return the match groupdict or None if no match. """ if not self.named_regexp: self.log.warning( "Regular expression not provided for plugin. Run with " "`--help-all` flag for more information." ) return None match = re.match(self.named_regexp, filename) if not match or not match.groups(): self.log.warning( "Regular expression '{}' did not match anything in: {}" "".format(self.named_regexp, filename) ) return None gd = match.groupdict() self.log.debug( "Regular expression '{}' matched\n'{}' in: {}" "".format(self.named_regexp, gd, filename) ) return gd
[docs] def collect(self, submitted_file: str) -> Optional[dict]: """This is the main function called by the :class:`~nbgrader.apps.zipcollectapp.ZipCollectApp` for each submitted file. Note this function must also return a dictionary or None for sub-classed plugins. Arguments --------- submitted_file: Each submitted file in the ``extracted_directory`` (absolute path). Returns ------- groupdict: Collected data from the filename or None if the file should be skipped. Collected data is a dict of the form:: { file_id: file_id, # MUST be provided student_id: student_id, # MUST be provided timestamp: timestamp # Can optional be provided } Note: ``file_id`` MUST include the the relative path to the assignment if you are collecting files in assignment sub-folders. """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(submitted_file) # Skip any files without the correct extension if ext not in self.valid_ext: self.log.debug("Invalid file extension {}: {}".format(ext, submitted_file)) return None groupdict = self._match(submitted_file) if not groupdict: return None return groupdict