nbgrader release assignmentΒΆ

Release an assignment to the nbgrader exchange

The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options,
as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases.
To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use:
    <cmd> --help-all

    set log level to DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=DEBUG]
    set log level to CRITICAL (minimize logging output)
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level=CRITICAL]
    Force overwrite of existing files in the exchange.
    Equivalent to: [--ExchangeReleaseAssignment.force=True]
    Force overwrite of existing files in the exchange.
    Equivalent to: [--ExchangeReleaseAssignment.force=True]
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Equivalent to: [--Application.log_level]
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it. With `nbgrader
    submit`, this instead forces the use of an alternative student ID for the
    submission. See `nbgrader submit --help`.
    If the ID is purely numeric and you are passing it as a flag on the command
    line, you will need to escape the quotes in order to have it detected as a
    string, for example `--student=""12345""`. See:
    for more details.
    Default: '*'
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.student_id]
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.assignment_id]
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: '*'
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.notebook_id]
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<root>/gradebook.db, where <root>
    is another configurable variable.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.db_url]
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.root]
    Timezone for recording timestamps
    Default: 'UTC'
    Equivalent to: [--Exchange.timezone]
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This can be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: ''
    Equivalent to: [--CourseDirectory.course_id]

Class options
The command-line option below sets the respective configurable class-parameter:
This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed.
For instance, to set `C.a=[0,1,2]`, you may type this:

Application(SingletonConfigurable) options
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           "handlers": {
               "file": {
                   "class": "logging.FileHandler",
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   "filename": "<path/to/file>",
           "loggers": {
               "<application-name>": {
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   "handlers": ["console", "file"],
    Default: {}
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

JupyterApp(Application) options
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: False
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    Generate default config file.
    Default: False
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           "handlers": {
               "file": {
                   "class": "logging.FileHandler",
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   "filename": "<path/to/file>",
           "loggers": {
               "<application-name>": {
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   "handlers": ["console", "file"],
    Default: {}
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

NbGrader(JupyterApp) options
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: False
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    Generate default config file.
    Default: False
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Name of the logfile to log to. By default, log output is not written to any
    Default: ''
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           "handlers": {
               "file": {
                   "class": "logging.FileHandler",
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   "filename": "<path/to/file>",
           "loggers": {
               "<application-name>": {
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   "handlers": ["console", "file"],
    Default: {}
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

ReleaseAssignmentApp(NbGrader) options
    Answer yes to any prompts.
    Default: False
    Full path of a config file.
    Default: ''
    Specify a config file to load.
    Default: ''
    Generate default config file.
    Default: False
    The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    The Logging format template
    Default: '[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s'
    Set the log level by value or name.
    Choices: any of [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']
    Default: 30
    Name of the logfile to log to. By default, log output is not written to any
    Default: ''
    Configure additional log handlers.
    The default stderr logs handler is configured by the log_level, log_datefmt
    and log_format settings.
    This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers (e.g. to
    output the log to a file) or for finer control over the default handlers.
    If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for more
    information see:
    This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which defines
    the following:
    * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called
    * A logging handler that writes to stderr called
      ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``.
    * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG``
    This example adds a new handler that writes to a file:
    .. code-block:: python
       c.Application.logging_config = {
           "handlers": {
               "file": {
                   "class": "logging.FileHandler",
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   "filename": "<path/to/file>",
           "loggers": {
               "<application-name>": {
                   "level": "DEBUG",
                   # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console"
                   # handler here then it will be disabled
                   "handlers": ["console", "file"],
    Default: {}
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout
    Default: False
    Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)
    Default: False

ExchangeFactory(LoggingConfigurable) options
    A plugin for collecting assignments.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.collect.ExchangeCollect'
    A plugin for exchange.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.exchange.Exchange'
    A plugin for fetching assignments.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.fetch_assignment.ExchangeFetchAssi...
    A plugin for fetching feedback.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.fetch_feedback.ExchangeFetchFeedback'
    A plugin for listing exchange files.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.list.ExchangeList'
    A plugin for releasing assignments.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.release_assignment.ExchangeRelease...
    A plugin for releasing feedback.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.release_feedback.ExchangeReleaseFe...
    A plugin for submitting assignments.
    Default: 'nbgrader.exchange.default.submit.ExchangeSubmit'

CourseDirectory(LoggingConfigurable) options
    The assignment name. This MUST be specified, either by setting the config
    option, passing an argument on the command line, or using the --assignment
    option on the command line.
    Default: ''
    The name of the directory that contains assignment submissions after they
    have been autograded. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'autograded'
    A key that is unique per instructor and course. This can be specified,
    either by setting the config option, or using the --course option on the
    command line.
    Default: ''
    URL to the database. Defaults to sqlite:///<root>/gradebook.db, where <root>
    is another configurable variable.
    Default: ''
    Format string for the directory structure that nbgrader works over during
    the grading process. This MUST contain named keys for 'nbgrader_step',
    'student_id', and 'assignment_id'. It SHOULD NOT contain a key for
    'notebook_id', as this will be automatically joined with the rest of the
    Default: '{nbgrader_step}/{student_id}/{assignment_id}'
    The name of the directory that contains assignment feedback after grading
    has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'feedback'
    Make all instructor files group writeable (g+ws, default g+r only) and
    exchange directories group readable/writeable (g+rws, default g=nothing only
    ) by default.  This should only be used if you carefully set the primary
    groups of your notebook servers and fully understand the unix permission
    model.  This changes the default permissions from 444 (unwriteable) to 664
    (writeable), so that other instructors are able to delete/overwrite files.
    Default: False
    List of file names or file globs. Upon copying directories recursively,
    matching files and directories will be ignored with a debug message.
    Default: ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '*.pyc', '__pycache__', 'feedback']
    List of file names or file globs. Upon copying directories recursively, non
    matching files will be ignored with a debug message.
    Default: ['*']
    Maximum size of directories (in kilobytes; default: 100Mb). Upon copying
    directories recursively, larger files will be ignored with a warning.
    Default: 100000
    Maximum size of files (in kilobytes; default: 100Mb). Upon copying
    directories recursively, larger files will be ignored with a warning.
    Default: 100000
    File glob to match notebook names, excluding the '.ipynb' extension. This
    can be changed to filter by notebook.
    Default: '*'
    The name of the directory that contains the version of the assignment that
    will be released to students. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'release'
    The root directory for the course files (that includes the `source`,
    `release`, `submitted`, `autograded`, etc. directories). Defaults to the
    current working directory.
    Default: ''
    The name of the directory that contains the assignment solution after
    grading has been completed. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable
    in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'solution'
    The name of the directory that contains the master/instructor version of
    assignments. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in the
    `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'source'
    The name of the directory that contains notebooks with both solutions and
    instantiated test code (i.e., all AUTOTEST directives are removed and
    replaced by actual test code). This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step`
    variable in the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'source_with_tests'
    File glob to match student IDs. This can be changed to filter by student.
    Note: this is always changed to '.' when running `nbgrader assign`, as the
    assign step doesn't have any student ID associated with it. With `nbgrader
    submit`, this instead forces the use of an alternative student ID for the
    submission. See `nbgrader submit --help`.
    If the ID is purely numeric and you are passing it as a flag on the command
    line, you will need to escape the quotes in order to have it detected as a
    string, for example `--student=""12345""`. See:
    for more details.
    Default: '*'
    Comma-separated list of student IDs to exclude.  Counterpart of student_id.
    This is useful when running commands on all students, but certain students
    cause errors or otherwise must be left out.  Works at least for autograde,
    generate_feedback, and release_feedback.
    Default: ''
    The name of the directory that contains assignments that have been submitted
    by students for grading. This corresponds to the `nbgrader_step` variable in
    the `directory_structure` config option.
    Default: 'submitted'

Exchange(LoggingConfigurable) options
    Local path for storing student assignments.  Defaults to '.' which is
    normally Jupyter's root_dir.
    Default: '.'
    Format string for timestamps
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z'
    Timezone for recording timestamps
    Default: 'UTC'

ExchangeReleaseAssignment(Exchange) options
    Local path for storing student assignments.  Defaults to '.' which is
    normally Jupyter's root_dir.
    Default: '.'
    Force overwrite existing files in the exchange.
    Default: False
    Format string for timestamps
    Default: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %Z'
    Timezone for recording timestamps
    Default: 'UTC'


    Release an assignment to students. For the usage of instructors.

            This command is run from the top-level nbgrader folder. Before running
            this command, there are two things you must do.

            First, you have to set the unique `course_id` for the course. It must be
            unique for each instructor/course combination. To set it in the config
            file add a line to the `nbgrader_config.py` file:

                c.CourseDirectory.course_id = 'phys101'

            To pass the `course_id` at the command line, add `--course=phys101` to any
            of the below commands.

            Second, the assignment to be released must already be in the `release` folder.
            The usual way of getting an assignment into this folder is by running
            `nbgrader generate_assignment`.

            To release an assignment named `assignment1` run:

                nbgrader release_assignment assignment1

            If the assignment has already been released, you will have to add the
            `--force` flag to overwrite the released assignment:

                nbgrader release_assignment --force assignment1

            To query the exchange to see a list of your released assignments:

                nbgrader list